Technical documentation for B2B saas companies

Stop settling for average. Invest in documentation that drives developer engagement and propels your business forward.

Is this you?

Lost Sales

Ever spend hours crafting an amazing API, only to see developers get lost in confusing documentation and abandon ship? Frustrated developers often take potential customers with them.

Development Costs Exploding

Does your team spend more time deciphering cryptic API instructions than actually building integrations? Unclear documentation leads to wasted hours and ballooning development costs.

Support Overload

Feeling like you're drowning in support tickets? Unclear explanations can leave developers frustrated and bombard your team with questions. This creates a backlog, overwhelms your staff, and ultimately frustrates your customers.

B2B Integration Nightmare

Are struggling partnerships a constant roadblock? Bad API documentation throws a wrench into B2B collaborations, leading to delays, miscommunication, and failed integrations.

Developers aren't good writers

Do you rely on your developers to write documentation, only to end up with dry, technical jargon that leaves everyone confused? Coding skills don't always translate to clear writing.

Time Crunch & Stress

Does documentation constantly get pushed aside due to feature deadlines? This leads to rushed, incomplete explanations, creating a vicious cycle of frustration for everyone involved.

About Us

We, specialize in crafting clear, concise, and developer-beloved technical documentation for both products and APIs. Our documentation bridges the gap between your product and developers, ensuring seamless integrations, accelerated development cycles, and ultimately, faster time to market and increased revenue.

Why Us

Faster User Adoption & Boosted ROI

Our clear and concise documentation empowers users to quickly grasp your product's features, leading to a smoother user experience and ultimately, increased user adoption and ROI.

Multilingual Support

Multilingual documentation, crafted by our translation experts, removes language barriers and opens your product to a wider user base worldwide.

Cost Efficient

We don't just save you money in the long run, We ensure that you pay only for what you need and use a pricing model that fita your business financial capability.

Continuous Updates

Never Outdated Docs: We don't just write documentation, we continuously maintain and update it alongside your product's development lifecycle.

Scalability & Brand Consistency

Our documentation solutions adapt and grow alongside your product, ensuring your user base always has access to clear instructions. We seamlessly integrate your brand identity, fostering trust and recognition.

Version Control and SEO

Yes, we make it easy to manage and access all versions of your documentation. Additionally, we prioritize your site's speed and SEO to ensure it's fast and optimized for users.


We create various types of technical documentation. Take a look at some of our samples to see if they meet your needs.


Hear it from our clients

  • Docsmith's user-friendly API docs skyrocketed adoption & cut integration headaches. Developers love them!
    Tomiwa SolarinSathon
  • Docsmith's clear docs slashed support tickets & boosted user happiness. Now devs focus on innovation, not manuals!
    Emmanuel AruajiCoding Ninja
  • Thanks to DocsSmith, our developer documentation has never been clearer. Our engagement rates have skyrocketed, and we’ve seen a noticeable increase in client satisfaction and retention.
    Perfection LovedayHamlet
  • DocsSmith transformed our technical documentation, making it not only comprehensive but also user-friendly. This has significantly boosted our developers' productivity and helped us attract more business.
    Jane AustenRecertio

Increase Product Growth and User Adoption with Now!!!

Clear and concise documentation unlocks the full potential of your product, enhancing user satisfaction and driving business growth.

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